This will have you definatley ROTFLMAO....Tell me this commercial isn't hilarious. or maybe it's just me..
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Okay so totally my Jam of the Week happens to be T-Pains new song featuring Lil' Wayne called "Can't Believ It." I love this song and the video is ridiculous. This song is off of his next album, titled "Thr33 Rings." According to an interview done earlier this week on TRL he says "I titled this album three rings and because it ismy third album and the music industry is like the circus and I the ring master." Enjoy yourselves.
Problems in the Dollhouse?

Jeez, did any of the current girl groups learn anything from Destiny's Child!? It appears they haven't taken any notes because I heard the lovely ladies of Danity Kane are not getting along. I hope it isn't true because I love these girls and I want to see more from them! I heard Dawn had a birthday recently and none of the girls showed up!!!! That's messed up y'all...I bet Q fine self was there.
Having a moment about Q....bare with
But yes, also there was an event that Danity Kane as a group were attending and all of the members were there but they came separately and didn't even acknowledge the presence of one another. The fuel to the fire is reportedly over Dawn going solo, supposedly. There have been rumors that the other girls are upset because Diddy feels she is the most talented and the other four members aren't having it! But as of this morning, Diddy's rep Cara Donatto has said there isn't any truth and these are just rumors. She states, the are absolutely getting along.
DK will be at the MTV Music Awards September 7th..Let's see what happens!
Diddy needs to have an intervention with these ladies,God forbid the will disappear like Diddy's early 2000 girl group, Dream. Speaking of Dream, what happened to them?
Chris & Rihanna sittin' in a

OMG. Like totally my favorite celebrity official, unofficial couple happens to be Chris Brown & Rihanna. Jeez, too adorable and how they both deny any relationship is hilariously cute. Word is they were both at Short Pump Mall in Richmond, VA like last Monday! That is like 40 minutes from my house...I need to get out more but that's totally off subject!
But my boy C.Brown is a little peeved y'all. He is planning on releasing album #3 sometime next year but many of his songs that he has recorded for the album have been leaked unto the Internet already! Including the song, "Electric Guitar" which happens to be a duet with Rihanna. How rude y'all! Can't we all just wait til next year to hear this song?
But my boy C.Brown is a little peeved y'all. He is planning on releasing album #3 sometime next year but many of his songs that he has recorded for the album have been leaked unto the Internet already! Including the song, "Electric Guitar" which happens to be a duet with Rihanna. How rude y'all! Can't we all just wait til next year to hear this song?
Saturday, August 2, 2008

This is the most random story I have ever heard! Nikki Blonsky from last year's hit movie, Hairspray and America's Next Top Model contestant Bianca Golden were arrested on assault charges over airplane seats! Are you serious? According to my entertainment bible, E!Online the altercation were over saved seats that Nikki was saving for her family and apparently The Golden's were not having that! Nikki's father, along with Bianca's mother were also involved in the fight. According to reports, Bianca's mother was injured so bad, she had to be airlifted to a hospital. Charges for assault were given to both families and they were arrested then released on bail besides Nikki's father who is held until August 8th.
This is the most hooplah I have heard about a seat since Roas Parks, lol. This is sad. Now they all maybe facing charges with penalties as high as five years in prison.
Story is developing......tune in for a refill.
Everybody in Run's House is musical it seems. I thought it may have been Jojo & Team Blackout would have had the Internet going bananas first but it looks like Angela beat them to it. Maybe she did it for fun or she is serious but here's her debut single "Center of Attention"

Aubrey Graham? Does that ring a bell? What about, Jimmy from the NOGGIN show, Degrassi? Yeah, the kid who was the basketball star who ended up in the wheelchair. He is now the rising star known as Drake. He raps, he sings, and he can act. Hailing from Canada, his music is becoming a world-wide buzz. I caught myself catching a huge crush all over again like I used to do watching Degrassi re-runs. Can we say in love!!!??? Sorry, people I was having a moment. You may have heard him lay a clean verse on Trey Songs track "Replacement Girl" and the lyrics make you want to double check to reassure yourself we are talking about the right person. He definitely proves how versatile he is on my new favorite song Brand New (the remix as the Million Dollar Man, Lil' Wayne). His style is so unique and this is far from gimmick act, it's raw talent and just by listening to the lyrics you can tell he loves what he does. You can check him out on and listen to his songs and pick up your mix tape.
Keep checking up with the Juice because you will be hearing more Drake updates!!!

Hello World, I really do apologize for any inconvenience because I have been terribly busy and have yet to update anything new in my blog. I haven't quit so get your cups ready for a refill and prepared to get juice. If you know of any writers or maybe yourself would like to join my team please shoot me an email at
Little Miss Nosey
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