Jeez, did any of the current girl groups learn anything from Destiny's Child!? It appears they haven't taken any notes because I heard the lovely ladies of Danity Kane are not getting along. I hope it isn't true because I love these girls and I want to see more from them! I heard Dawn had a birthday recently and none of the girls showed up!!!! That's messed up y'all...I bet Q fine self was there.
Having a moment about Q....bare with me...lol
But yes, also there was an event that Danity Kane as a group were attending and all of the members were there but they came separately and didn't even acknowledge the presence of one another. The fuel to the fire is reportedly over Dawn going solo, supposedly. There have been rumors that the other girls are upset because Diddy feels she is the most talented and the other four members aren't having it! But as of this morning, Diddy's rep Cara Donatto has said there isn't any truth and these are just rumors. She states, the are absolutely getting along.
DK will be at the MTV Music Awards September 7th..Let's see what happens!
Diddy needs to have an intervention with these ladies,God forbid the will disappear like Diddy's early 2000 girl group, Dream. Speaking of Dream, what happened to them?
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