Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sad news!!! J.Hud family murders!
I just want this case to get solve and eventually bring closure to the Hudson family.
Rest in Peace.
Jam of the Week
Jam of the Week
Juicebox approval!!!! Go head and rock to this!
I love this girl but where has she been?????
Y'all ain't know she's from the PG County!?!?

Saturday, October 18, 2008
&& She's Back!!
I wonder who she is calling a "womanizer."
Thursday, October 16, 2008

-Y'ALL If you do not know NOVEMBER 4th is coming up in like three weeks. You already registered, now it's time for part 2 and that's to get out and vote 11.4.08. I know we don't want another 4years of the same, IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE!
If you watched Last Night's debates you seen that Obama kicked McLame's tail once again and he is still ahead in the polls. That's telling us something, OBAMA IS SO ILL!
And please do not wear any OBAMA or McLame, I mean McCain paraphernalia because you cannot vote if you do. Be smart.
M.I.A's offspring will be dope

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

WTF is a PGB, you ask?
So the girls and I think, well know we are so effin entertaing....
We're startin the new blog...about.....US!!!!





It's so hard 2 say goodbye =[

So, this was the saddest thing I seen! Like I was in tears that my girls Danity Kane are now 3. It hurts the most to see Shannon upset about it because she was the quiet and humble member. Girl groups are played out but I really like DK and now my girl Aubrey and D.Woods are gone, I wonder how it will work!!
Though Aubrey does some outlandish things that makes you want to scratch your head but when she came on stage to join Sway and the girls, I seen the raw Aubrey who is just a girl with feelings. I Dig it!! Then again, I agreed with Diddy because Aubrey from the first season and the Aubrey we have now are totally contrast from each other. But he ain't had to play ol' girl like that cause when Diddy kept it 100 and said she headed down a dark and lonely road, Aubrey shed a tear.
If the girls don't fix this, idk what to do! Lol.
Do, do you gotta first aid kit handy?
Cause this group is damaged!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Put a ring on Beyonce`
She's back with a vengeance and going for a more sophisticated sound and image. I wonder if this counts out the big weaves and the over dramatics. I love that Bey. No matter what, she'll sell and she only gets better with time.
H to the izz-O, V to the izz-A..Fo' shizzle my nizzle used to dribble down in VA

Hoopz does KING

Thursday, October 2, 2008
I told y'all!! Danity Kane comin' to an end!
And for the record, I told you so.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Watch out iPhone!

Saturday, September 27, 2008
WTF Aubrey!!!

Kanye West vs Beyonce`

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Gent my ass!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ciara does Vibe Mag....Nude
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Free, is Free....or Broke..LMAO
Travis Barker & DJ AM Plane Crash

Okay, so for those who don't know, I work for a T-Mobile Call Center as a trainer of some sort right, so I am at work chillin' and geekin' to the extreme, because we had no calls in Que. So one of my students was like "Check the breaking news there's something for your blog!" I think to myself, "WTF does T-Mobile have for my blog, like c'mon!" Come to find out it was in our Daily Breaking News that Travis Barker (of Blink 182) and DJ AM were in a serious plane crash, leaving four others dead. The crash happened when the plane took off in South Carolina. The two are being treated for serious burn related injuries. I pray for a full recovery and send condolences to their families and anyone affected by this crash. Definitely will keep you all juiced up on any news.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Muff this is what I want fo X-Mas
Retail Price: $155
I wear a 6 in Jays! Can we say $100? lol

Jo Jo is a beast
Monday, September 15, 2008
50 Cent disses/mocks Kanye
Friday, September 12, 2008
Smells like a hater to me....
Swagger Jockin? I think Not.
Ode to Shia...for his die hard fan(s)

Many know him from that dorky character he played on the Disney Channels, Even Steven but as of today he is Hollywood's Rising star with blockbuster movies under his belt such as Transformers and Disturbia. At the ripe age of 22, he has definitelyhas come a long way from the Disney channel, where many have struggled to overcome that break into Mainstream Hollywood (Raven) and is now getting bigger roles in movies, and Eagle Eye happens to be his latest flick due out in theaters today actually. Also what is in the works for is Transformers II which had a delay in Shia's production because of an accident that may have been linked to a DUI, in which he was injured in. Wow. What a positive Disney Role Model. LOL Other than that he's talented and has an even bigger future ahead of him and if he was once linked to dating Rihanna, then he has my seal of approval!
Jam of the Week: Live Your Life
Kanye Arrested!!
Here is some of the video footage and for a second I had DeJa Vu from when Ashton Kutcher punked him and remember how sensitive West is about cameras.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Beyonce...look behind you!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
2008 VMAs
Okay, this wasn't the worst MTV Video Music Awards but definitely was not the best. During the whole course of the awards my Sidekick was going off like crazy, begging for me to blog about the VMAs so let's get to it.
First and foremost, Britney bailed out last minute and didn't perform. How rude. Millions of people have been waiting on the comeback of Ms. Spears! WAIT!! Besides her not performing, being that she has never won a moonman before, Brit took home three of them tonight! ::HAND CLAP:: I felt like a proud mama watching her child in like a school play or something. Oops! She does it again world.
Russell Brand is funny to me, I do not know about y'all. O was laughing especially about the Jonas Brother's promise rings. It was a joke but some people took it to heart ::cough::Jordin Sparks::cough::. And for the record Mr. Brand, Kanye is pronounced as Khan-yay not CAN-ye. LMAO but we forgive you. He really didn't do such a bad job so kudos to him. Oh and that joke indirectly about R.Kelly peeing on people was funny to me. He was like " I bet a lot of teenage girls are pissed about the comments I said about the Jonas Brothers. So I am sorry I pissed off the little girls. I didn't say pee on them, I heard you get in trouble in this country for doing so." ROTFLMAO
Since Britney didn't open, my girl Rihanna tore it up singing her hit Disturbia as opening act. I do not care what anyone says, RiRi is a bad ass performer! In between the big performances, there were mini performances with the help of Travis Barker from Blink 182 and Nicole Richie's ex, DJ AM which included, Katy Perry, Lupe Fiasco, LL Cool J and many more. The rock band Paramore performed and of course rocked out and so did Pink, who was blowing up and breaking things singing her song So What. My man Weezy acted a damn fool and kept me entertained! (Hell, he had the Taylor Swift and the Jonas Brothers diggin' him!) He performed with Leona Lewis (amazing!) and T-Pain. And Wayne rapped my boo's Drake verse when he performed "Misunderstood" and then shouted him out! Yay, Drizzy! I am not to clear on his dance moves though, but it doesn't hinder the fact way put on a show. Go Wayne! Also the Jonas Brothers performed a new song called Love Bug which will be there new single. I was really hoping they would have performed Burnin' Up, that is my jam! Also Christina Aguliera performed but I wasn't too thrilled because it didn't seem like the Xtina I am used to seeing perform but she did the damn thing, lip singing. My future ex-husband, T.I. did my song Whatever You Like then did a duet with my "girl crush" Rihanna called Live Your Life (which may be jam of the week this week) and straight killed it because it seems everybody was enjoying that song, especially Chris Brown. Even though he vowed not to perform at the VMAs again, Mr. West did close out the show with a new song and then cursed MTV smooth out.
Reason being why this years show wasn't half as exciting as the older VMAs because from a fans view it looked as if nobody was really enjoying themselves. The crowd looked very small and vacant. MTV should really have stuck to the roots and done the show at Radio City Music Hall in NY like the 2003 Award show, ( I think it was that year) because that was a bad ass show. The award show just seemed it was lacking and personally I haven't enjoyed a MTV Music Award show from beginning to end since the year when Diddy hosted. Hopefully next year, MTV will do some soul searching and get things how they used to be. Like I said it wasn't a horrible show, I just was not entertained.
Oh and for the ABDC competiton for the VMAs, FANNY PAK won!!!!!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
New Addition to the Juice!!!
It's Confirmed!!!
Also Mr. West who said last year he will never perform at the VMAs or attend the show will be closing the show. So much for sticking to your guns Ye.
The MTV Video Music Awards will air live on MTV on Sunday, September 7th @ 9pm, hosted by Russel Brand.
More Drake.... <3
Anywho, Drake released a new song with my favorite rapper Young Moolah Baby aka Weezy F Baby, called Ransom. I think it's a beast and not because it's Drake. I respect and love Hip Hop and with Wayne co-signing it can't get any better. A lot of folks say that Drake isn't stayin' true to himself and he's become like many other rap artists. I think it's bull. Any artist as versatile and true as Drake is a dope mutha f&#cker, pardon my language. Drake addressed his fans on his myspace page through his blog entitled, "Allow me to reintroduce myself..." (
Diddy can say whatever he wants....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
M.I.A hasn't been M.I.A
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
It's Britney Bitch!
That's what's been buzzing around lately since Ms. Spears has been doing
those promo commercials with this year's host, Russel Brand. Personally
I would definitely love, love, LOVE to see her grace the stage and
perform like the Brit I know!!! I want her to shut us all up and let us
know she's back and she's "Britney Bitch!!!"
If this is so true, we definitely wouldn't want this to happen
again.....lets take a trip down memory lane.
Trey is gon' give ya whatever you like...

Trey Songz new track "Whatever You Like" is my jam of the week now. Although I love the original version by my ex husband T.I. but Trey did a damn good job of his own version. Although he sounds like T-Pain & R.Kelly lol but dude is riiiiighhhhtt. His hometown is like 10 minutes from me like "Trey, can I get an exclusive for the blog?" Have your people call my people.
ABDC battles for the VMA
All I know is Fanny Pak better smash!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's about time, Diddy! Donnie's album finally comes out today! I hope he goes straight to #1 like Danity Kane & Day 26 did cause dude has been workin' mad hard to get this together. On his album he has songs produced by The Dream, Brian Cox & 7even. I will definitely let y'all know how it is once I get his album. Donnie was on TRL today lookin' "Oh so riiiiggghhht" and of course promoting his CD. In a weeks time we shall see how he did..
::Crosses fingers::
Here's one of his songs, Dr. Love
08 Bonnie N Clyde!!!

OMG! According to, Jay-Z & Beyonce are supposed to start the "Bonnie & Clyde" tour!! I would love to see that, my favorite rapper & the baddest chick in the game!! HELL YEAH! It isn't confirmed or anything until Friday, when the big announcement will be made when Jay joins B on stage at a Fashion Rocks Concert...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
OH NO YOU DIDN'T! Happens to be my favorite commercial lol...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Problems in the Dollhouse?

Jeez, did any of the current girl groups learn anything from Destiny's Child!? It appears they haven't taken any notes because I heard the lovely ladies of Danity Kane are not getting along. I hope it isn't true because I love these girls and I want to see more from them! I heard Dawn had a birthday recently and none of the girls showed up!!!! That's messed up y'all...I bet Q fine self was there.
Having a moment about Q....bare with
But yes, also there was an event that Danity Kane as a group were attending and all of the members were there but they came separately and didn't even acknowledge the presence of one another. The fuel to the fire is reportedly over Dawn going solo, supposedly. There have been rumors that the other girls are upset because Diddy feels she is the most talented and the other four members aren't having it! But as of this morning, Diddy's rep Cara Donatto has said there isn't any truth and these are just rumors. She states, the are absolutely getting along.
DK will be at the MTV Music Awards September 7th..Let's see what happens!
Diddy needs to have an intervention with these ladies,God forbid the will disappear like Diddy's early 2000 girl group, Dream. Speaking of Dream, what happened to them?
Chris & Rihanna sittin' in a

But my boy C.Brown is a little peeved y'all. He is planning on releasing album #3 sometime next year but many of his songs that he has recorded for the album have been leaked unto the Internet already! Including the song, "Electric Guitar" which happens to be a duet with Rihanna. How rude y'all! Can't we all just wait til next year to hear this song?
Saturday, August 2, 2008

This is the most random story I have ever heard! Nikki Blonsky from last year's hit movie, Hairspray and America's Next Top Model contestant Bianca Golden were arrested on assault charges over airplane seats! Are you serious? According to my entertainment bible, E!Online the altercation were over saved seats that Nikki was saving for her family and apparently The Golden's were not having that! Nikki's father, along with Bianca's mother were also involved in the fight. According to reports, Bianca's mother was injured so bad, she had to be airlifted to a hospital. Charges for assault were given to both families and they were arrested then released on bail besides Nikki's father who is held until August 8th.
This is the most hooplah I have heard about a seat since Roas Parks, lol. This is sad. Now they all maybe facing charges with penalties as high as five years in prison.
Story is developing......tune in for a refill.

Aubrey Graham? Does that ring a bell? What about, Jimmy from the NOGGIN show, Degrassi? Yeah, the kid who was the basketball star who ended up in the wheelchair. He is now the rising star known as Drake. He raps, he sings, and he can act. Hailing from Canada, his music is becoming a world-wide buzz. I caught myself catching a huge crush all over again like I used to do watching Degrassi re-runs. Can we say in love!!!??? Sorry, people I was having a moment. You may have heard him lay a clean verse on Trey Songs track "Replacement Girl" and the lyrics make you want to double check to reassure yourself we are talking about the right person. He definitely proves how versatile he is on my new favorite song Brand New (the remix as the Million Dollar Man, Lil' Wayne). His style is so unique and this is far from gimmick act, it's raw talent and just by listening to the lyrics you can tell he loves what he does. You can check him out on and listen to his songs and pick up your mix tape.
Keep checking up with the Juice because you will be hearing more Drake updates!!!

Hello World, I really do apologize for any inconvenience because I have been terribly busy and have yet to update anything new in my blog. I haven't quit so get your cups ready for a refill and prepared to get juice. If you know of any writers or maybe yourself would like to join my team please shoot me an email at
Little Miss Nosey
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Curtis Jackson loves some controversy. The beef between he & ex G-Unit member Young Buck has finally spiraled out of control. 50 cent released a tape private phone call between him self and Buck from a year ago on his website. Buck broke down in tears with 50, talking about his money issues and his career. It maybe embarrasing to hear a grown man cry to another grown man but what Fifty did was horrible, devil in disguise I may say.
Buck has retiliated back with a dis record as well. This is far from over and I hate to see where this goes. If you haven't heard the audio, click thelink below and hear for yourself how Fifty played this man.
Jamie Lynn has her baby!!!

A Milli

That guy, Wayne. There is no denying that this guy has a fan base like the 1970s Michale Jackson. In the release of last Tuesday's Carter III, Lil' Wayne has sold a million+ albums making this record platinum.
Not knocking Wayne's album but my personal belief as to why this CD did so well is because of anticipation and anything Wayne touches, people want it. I think that CII was way better than CIII and Wayne could have done a little more with the tracks. I understand that majority of The Carter III was leaked out last summer but a lot of those mixtapes went harder than some tracks on the album. No one has went platinum in a week since the release of 2005's Massacre but 50 Cent and that CD wasn't as hyped up as it appeared to be. But Curtis was hot and since he is 50, he sold well as long as he had the suburban kids feeling hood. Goes to show if you're "That Guy" you'll sell regardless of the album.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hospital+Amy Winehouse= Help, Finally Thank The Lord!!!

Amy, you have more than enough time and I no longer think your daddy thinks your fine. If he tries to make you go to Rehab, you should Go, go, go.
Kanye Sucks!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Three Times A Charm?